Lovibond MD 100 Fotometre

Lovibond MD 100 Fotometre

MD 100 fotometre, kombinasyona bağlı olarak tek bir cihazda 14 adede kadar parametreyi test etmek için uygun bir seçimdir. Cihaz, basit bir kullanıcı arayüzüne sahiptir ve sahada kullanım için yapılmıştır. İhtiyaç duyduğunuz tüm testleri bir araya getiren çeşitli sektörlere özgü versiyonlar mevcuttur.

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Test parametrelerini görüntülemek için lütfen model isimlerine tıklayınız


MD 100 Aluminium, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with aluminium reagent tablets.

Aluminium PP 0.01 - 0.25 mg/l Al
Aluminium T 0.01 - 0.3 mg/l Al276200Single

MD 100 Aluminium, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with aluminium powder reagent.

Aluminium PP 0.01 - 0.25 mg/l Al
Aluminium T 0.01 - 0.3 mg/l Al276205Single

MD 100 Ammonia, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with ammonium reagent tablets.

Ammonia PP 0.01 - 0.8 mg/l N
Ammonia T 0.02 - 1 mg/l N276060Single

MD 100 Ammonia, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with ammonium powder reagent.

Ammonia PP 0.01 - 0.8 mg/l N
Ammonia T 0.02 - 1 mg/l N276065Single

MD 100 Chlorine, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with chlorine reagent tablets.

Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)276000Single

MD 100 Chlorine, liquid reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. The measurement is carried out with chlorine liquid reagent.

Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)276005Single

MD 100 Chlorine DUO, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for different types of chlorine.

Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine PP 0.02 - 2 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)276020Single

MD 100 Chlorine DUO, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. Powder reagents determine different types of chlorine.

Chlorine HR PP 0.1 - 8 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine PP 0.02 - 2 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)276025Single

MD 100 Chlorine, powder reagents

LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagent.

Chlorine HR PP 0.1 - 8 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine PP 0.02 - 2 mg/l Cl2 a)276010Single

MD 100 Chlorine HR (potassium iodide), tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for HR chlorine.

Chlorine HR (KI) T (105) 5 - 200 mg/l Cl2276170Single

MD 100 Chlorine dioxide, tablet reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is carried out with chlorine dioxide reagent tablets.

Chlorine dioxide PP 0.04 - 3.8 mg/l ClO2
Chlorine dioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/l ClO2276030Single

MD 100 Chlorine dioxide, powder reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagents for chlorine dioxide.

Chlorine dioxide PP 0.04 - 3.8 mg/l ClO2
Chlorine dioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/l ClO2276035Single

MD 100 Chloride, tablet reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with chloride reagent tablets.

Chloride T 0.5 - 25 mg/l Cl-
Chloride T 5 - 250 mg/l Cl- i)276180Single

MD 100 COD, tube tests

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tube tests for COD.

COD HR TT 200 - 15000 mg/l CODb)
COD LMR TT 15 - 300 mg/l CODb)
COD LR TT 3 - 150 mg/l CODb)
COD MR TT 20 - 1500 mg/l CODb)276120Single

MD 100 Iron, tablet reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with iron reagent tablets.

Iron (TPTZ) PP 0.02 - 1.8 mg/l Fe
Iron PP 0.02 - 3 mg/l Feg)
Iron T 0.02 - 1 mg/l Fe276050Single

MD 100 Iron TPTZ, powder reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagents for iron TPTZ.

Iron (TPTZ) PP 0.02 - 1.8 mg/l Fe
Iron PP 0.02 - 3 mg/l Feg)
Iron T 0.02 - 1 mg/l Fe276055Single

MD 100 Iron, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with iron powder reagent.

Iron (TPTZ) PP 0.02 - 1.8 mg/l Fe
Iron PP 0.02 - 3 mg/l Feg)
Iron T 0.02 - 1 mg/l Fe276056Single

MD 100 Fluoride (without reagents)

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic memory. No reagent is necessary for the fluoride measurement.

Fluoride L 0.05 - 2 mg/l F-276090Single

MD 100 Hardness, total, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for total hardness.

Hardness total HR T 20 - 500 mg/l CaCO3 i)
Hardness total T 2 - 50 mg/l CaCO3276190Single

MD 100 Urea, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for urea.

Urea T 0.1 - 2.5 mg/l Urea
Urea T 0.2 - 5 mg/l Ureai)276210Single

MD 100 Hazen/A.P.H.A., no reagents required

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. No reagent is required for the Hazen/A.P.H.A. check.

Hazen 24 10 - 500 mg/l Pt276160Single

MD 100 Copper, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for copper.

Copper PP 0.05 - 5 mg/l Cu
Copper T 0.05 - 5 mg/l Cua)276080Single

MD 100 Copper, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with copper powder reagent.

Copper PP 0.05 - 5 mg/l Cu
Copper T 0.05 - 5 mg/l Cua)276085Single

MD 100 Manganese LR, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for manganese LR.

Manganese HR PP 0.1 - 18 mg/l Mn
Manganese LR PP 0.01 - 0.7 mg/l Mn
Manganese T 0.2 - 4 mg/l Mn276100Single

MD 100 Manganese LR, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with manganese LR powder reagent.

Manganese HR PP 0.1 - 18 mg/l Mn
Manganese LR PP 0.01 - 0.7 mg/l Mn
Manganese T 0.2 - 4 mg/l Mn276105Single

MD 100 Manganese HR, powder reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent powder for manganese HR.

Manganese HR PP 0.1 - 18 mg/l Mn
Manganese LR PP 0.01 - 0.7 mg/l Mn
Manganese T 0.2 - 4 mg/l Mn276106Single

MD 100 Molybdenum LR, powder reagents/ tablet reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The molybdenum measurement is performed with reagent tablets and powders.

Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/l Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/l Mo
Molybdate T 0.6 - 50 mg/l MoO4276140Single

MD 100 Molybdenum HR, powder reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent powder for molybdenum HR.

Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/l Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/l Mo
Molybdate T 0.6 - 50 mg/l MoO4276141Single

MD 100 Molybdenum, tablet reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The molybdenum measurement is performed with tablet reagents.

Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/l Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/l Mo
Molybdate T 0.6 - 50 mg/l MoO4276142Single

MD 100 Phosphate, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for phosphate.

Phosphate LR T 0.02 - 1.3 mg/l P
Phosphate PP 0.02 - 0.8 mg/l P276040Single

MD 100 Phosphate, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The phosphate measurement is performed with powder reagent.

Phosphate LR T 0.02 - 1.3 mg/l P
Phosphate PP 0.02 - 0.8 mg/l P276045Single

MD 100 Silica, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for silicate.

Silcate T 0.05 - 4 mg/l SiO2
Silicate HR PP 1 - 90 mg/l SiO2
Silicate LR PP 0.1 - 1.6 mg/l SiO2276110Single

MD 100 Silica LR, powder reagents

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The silicate LR measurement is performed with powder reagent.

Silcate T 0.05 - 4 mg/l SiO2
Silicate HR PP 1 - 90 mg/l SiO2
Silicate LR PP 0.1 - 1.6 mg/l SiO2276115Single

MD 100 Silica HR, powder reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagent for silicate HR.

Silcate T 0.05 - 4 mg/l SiO2
Silicate HR PP 1 - 90 mg/l SiO2
Silicate LR PP 0.1 - 1.6 mg/l SiO2276116Single

MD 100 Suspended solids, no reagents required

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage. No reagent is necessary for the measurement.

Suspended solids 24 10 - 750 mg/l TSS2761502in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, tablet reagents (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for chlorine and pH.

Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780202in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, liquid reagents (OTZ)

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The chlorine/pH measurement is carried out with liquid reagents.

Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780252in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, powder reagents for chlorine

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The chlorine measurement is carried out with powder reagents.

Chlorine HR PP 0.1 - 8 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine PP 0.02 - 2 mg/l Cl2 a)
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780303in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, tablet reagents (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for chlorine, pH and cyanuric acid.

Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/l CyA
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780103in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ)

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The chlorine/pH measurement is performed with liquid reagents.

Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/l CyA
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780153in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity-m, tablet reagents (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for chlorine, pH and alkalinity-m.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780603in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity-m, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ)

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The measurement is performed with liquid reagents.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780652in1

MD 100 Chlorine LR, Chlorine HR, Chlorine dioxide, tablet reagents

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for chlorine LR, chlorine HR and chlorine dioxide.

Chlorine dioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/l ClO2
Chlorine HR (KI) T (105) 5 - 200 mg/l Cl2
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)2780004in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, tablet reagents (OTZ)

The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/l CyA
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780704in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, liquid reagents for Chlorine and pH (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine and pH (liquid), cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/l CyA
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780754in1

MD 100 Chlorine DUO, Chlorine HR, pH, Alkalinity-m, Calcium hardness (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine DUO, chlorine, pH, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine HR (KI) T (105) 5 - 200 mg/l Cl2
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine MR PP 0.02 - 3.5 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Hardness Calcium (B) T 20 - 500 mg/l CaCO3
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42781605in1

MD 100 Chlorine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, Calcium hardness, tablet reagents (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/l CyA
Hardness Calcium (B) T 20 - 500 mg/l CaCO3
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.42780806in1

MD 100 Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Cyanuric acid, Alkalinity-m, Calcium hardness, tablet reagents (OTZ)

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine, bromine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness.

Alkalinity-m T 5 - 200 mg/l CaCO3
Bromine T 0.05 - 13 mg/l Br2
Chlorine HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
Chlorine T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/l Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/l CyA
Hardness Calcium (B) T 20 - 500 mg/l CaCO3
pH value L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-value T 6.5 - 8.4278090Boiler Water

MD 100 Boiler Water

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures 10 parameters from aluminium to silicate.

Aluminium PP 0.01 - 0.25 mg/l Al
Chloride L (A) 0.5 - 20 mg/l Cl-
Copper T 0.05 - 5 mg/l Cua)
DEHA PP 0.02 - 0.5 mg/l DEHA
Hydrazine P 0.05 - 0.5 mg/l N2H4
Iron LR L (A) 0.03 - 2 mg/l Fe
Oxygen dissolved C 10 - 800 µg/l O2 c)
Phosphate HR L 5 - 80 mg/l PO4
Polyacrylate L 1 - 30 mg/l Polyacryl
Silicate HR PP 1 - 90 mg/l SiO2276230Cooling Water

MD 100 Cooling Water

LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures 10 parameters from aluminium to zinc.

16 Parameters276240

PM 600 Fotometre Serisi | Havuz Uygulamaları , MultiDirect Fotometre, MD 600 Portatif Fotometre Serisi, portatif fotometre, MD 110 Fotometre | Bluetooth Teknolojili , MD 100 Fotometre, lovibond, tintometre su analiz cihazı, renk tayini, renk ölçümü, renk tayin cihazı, renk analiz cihazı, lovibond model f, lovibond pfxi, laboratuvar cihazı, renk ölçüm cihazı, ET 750 Floc Test Cihazı, EComparator Su Renk Analizi, EC 2000 Pt-Co, su renk analizi, lovibond, tintometre su analiz cihazı, renk tayini, renk ölçümü, renk tayin cihazı, renk analiz cihazı, lovibond model f, lovibond pfxi, laboratuvar cihazı, renk ölçüm cihazı, tintometre, tintometer, ET 730 Floc Test Cihazı, ET 740 Floc Test Cihazı, Kolorimetre ve Fotometreler, kolorimetre, fotometre, lovibond MD100, lovibond MD100 fotometre, MD 110 Fotometre, lovidond MD 110 Fotometre, MD 200 Fotometre, lovidond MD 200 Fotometre, MultiDirect Fotometre, Scuba II | Özel Yüzme Havuzu ve Jakuzilerde Kullanım İçin, Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı Endeksinin (ST-COD) Belirlenmesi


MD 100 Fotometre, lovibond, tintometre su analiz cihazı, renk tayini, renk ölçümü, renk tayin cihazı, renk analiz cihazı, lovibond model f, lovibond pfxi, laboratuvar cihazı, renk ölçüm cihazı, ET 750 Floc Test Cihazı, EComparator Su Renk Analizi, EC 2000 Pt-Co, su renk analizi, lovibond, tintometre su analiz cihazı, renk tayini, renk ölçümü, renk tayin cihazı, renk analiz cihazı, lovibond model f, lovibond pfxi, laboratuvar cihazı, renk ölçüm cihazı, tintometre, tintometer, ET 730 Floc Test Cihazı, ET 740 Floc Test Cihazı, Kolorimetre ve Fotometreler, kolorimetre, fotometre, lovibond MD100, lovibond MD100 fotometre